La Guadeloupe au Taste of France Show 2013 à New York


Les îles de Guadeloupe seront présentes à la seconde édition du Taste of France  Show au Bryant Park à New York  les 28 et 29 septembre 2013. 

Des cours gratuits de zumba fitness version zouk seront proposés au public. Ils seront animés par le club Zclubny dirigé par le guadeloupéen Edmée Cherdieu d'Alexis co-fondateur et directeur général de la société. Le premier cours est prévu à partir de 13h30 le samedi 28 Septembre 2013 et un deuxième à 12h30 le dimanche 29 Septembre 2013.
Le Taste of France  (littéralement le goût de la France) a pour objectif de mettre en valeur Outre-Atlantique l'excellence et le savoir-faire français à l'occasion d'un évènement qui se déroulera à New York et qui réunira des entreprises françaises implantées principalement à New York.(
Pour l'occasion, un voyage pour deux personnes sera à gagner incluant  les billets d'avion aller-retour et un séjour de sept jours au Créole Beach Hôtel & Spa au Gosier en Guadeloupe.
Plus d'informations sur le mini site consacré à l'évènement :

ZUMBA to Exotic Zouk Music from Guadeloupe Islands at The 2nd Annual TASTE of FRANCE Show™ in Bryant Park on September 28-29, 2013
Rendezvous with The French Caribbean Islands for a Chance to Win a Vacation for Two Including Round Trip Airfares and a Seven Day Stay at La Creole Beach Hotel & Spa
New York, NY - September 19, 2013- The Guadeloupe Islands Tourist Board will be offering complimentary ZUMBA®FITNESS classes infused with the exotic Zouk music of the French Caribbean Islands at the 2nd Annual TASTE of FRANCE Show™ to be held at Bryant Park on September 28-29, 2013.
Visitors to the Guadeloupe Islands' booth at the world's largest event ever designed to showcase the excellence of France, will be invited to indulge in this unique and vibrant display of Guadeloupian culture amidst Bryant Park. During the two day show, attendees will be introduced to the diverse flavors of the five distinct islands that form the Guadeloupe Archipelago for a very French, yet undeniable Caribbean experience.
In addition to whetting their appetites with the taste of The Guadeloupe Islands, one lucky attendee will have a chance to win a vacation for two including roundtrip airfares and a seven day stay at the magnificent La Creole Beach Hotel & Spa. 
 "Our islands are brimming with adventure and we welcome visitors to over 100 activities set against a most spectacular landscape of verdant mountains, lush tropical forests, pristine beaches, and gushing waterfalls and rivers. Blended with our vibrant culture, music, and exquisite culinary offerings, visitors are definitely in for a unique and invigorating French Caribbean experience." said Sandra VENITE, Regional Manager for USA and South America, The Guadeloupe Islands Tourist Board.
There will be two complimentary one-hour Zumba®Fitness classes, inclusive of all fitness levels, led by Guadeloupian-born, Co-Founder and General Manager of ZCLUBNY, Edmee Cherdieu-D'Alexis. Class one will be held at 1:30pm on Saturday September 28, 2013 and Class two will be held at 12:30pm on Sunday, September 29, 2013. For more information about the Guadeloupe Islands exhibition at the 2nd Annual Taste of France Show™, visit: